This is Richland County CEO member, Ainsley Doris, with Tuesday’s recap. Today, CEO had the opportunity to tour US Weight. The tour was led by Keith Wilson, Rick Shamhart, Brett ...
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This is Richland County CEO member, Payden Buchanan, with Monday’s recap. Today, CEO met at the chamber to take our 6th BIM quiz for the term, then I read this weeks chapter called ...
This is Richland County CEO member, Jillian Bettis, with Tuesday’s recap. Today, we went to OCC to meet with Jon Wright. He is going to be our host for our upcoming class event, and he ...
Richland County CEO is proud to share the finished product of their Micro Business name badge and jackets! Thank you to our generous sponsors.
This is Richland County CEO Member Brayden Beard with Monday’s recap. Today Jillian read a chapter of our book aloud. Then we worked on delegating duties for our Class Business.
This is Richland County CEO Member Raeleigh Rusk with Friday's recap. Today we went to CEO Jr. and helped them with their "Trash To Cash" activity. We also worked in the office working ...
Thank you, Enriched Stitches, for our new CEO jackets and thank you to our 2024-2025 Micro Business sponsors!!!